Goal 1

the ability to design and evaluate instructional materials, technology, media, and other resources that meet the specific instructional and language related needs and abilities of students.

Lesson Development

Artifact 1 is a colorful lesson plan from APLNG 410: Teaching American English Pronunciation. This lesson was made after a diagnostic test and needs analysis of my tutee Jake (see Teaching) and finding specific areas of oral English he needed to improve.  This is a real lesson plan I used in a subsequent meeting with Jake (see results in Goal 2, Artifact 6).  

I have made lesson plans several times for course assignments, but they were always for an imaginary audience.  I took this lesson plan more seriously because I would really be using it, and I learned a lot about myself in relation to lesson planning after I taught the lesson.  I learned that creating a structured lesson plan prior to teaching a lesson is not for me.  The time I estimated I would need for activities was not very accurate and I disliked having a strict timed schedule.  I prefer to gather the materials I need for a lesson prior to teaching it, then, when I teach, have a rough outline of what order I need to cover materials while allowing for flexibility to spend extra time answering questions or reviewing materials if students need it.  In the case of having extra classroom time leftover, I always have extra activities or materials prepared.

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Activity from Artifact 2
Artifact 2 is a final project from APLNG 484: Discourse Functional Grammar which I evaluated materials on the subject of verb tenses in personal narratives and designed class work and activities to teach this subject.  Although these materials were made only for this assignment, they have the potential to be used if the need arises.  

Prior to this, I had never made a lesson focusing only on grammar.  Frankly, I was nervous to do so because the idea of teaching grammar was intimidating, but it ended up being very similar to preparing materials and activities for other classes that I have taught.  This made me realize that I can prepare grammar lessons, giving me reassurance and more confidence in my abilities as a teacher.

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Curriculum Development 

Artifact 3 is a final project from APLNG 493: Methods for Teaching ESL.  This was the first time I developed a curriculum.  This was a real curriculum I developed for my tutee Jake and applied it while tutoring him.  The curriculum focused on his goals and needs for improving his academic listening and speaking skills, as well as his goal to pass the oral English exam for International students who want to become TAs.  

Developing a calendar schedule was extremely difficult for me to accomplish.  I like to plan things out roughly and fill in the blanks as I go along, leaving a lot of room for flexibility, so planning activities and lessons months in advance was difficult.  However difficult, this was a necessary skill for me to learn as teachers need to plan classes out ahead of time, at least for the students' sake.  Since my audience was real for this project, I took it very seriously and when I used it, I was able to reflect and evaluate its usefulness and accuracy.

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ESL 015: 005
Artifact 4 is from my experience as a Teaching Assistant (TA) at Penn State.  This is a curriculum I developed for the two sections of ESL 015: Academic Writing II that I taught Fall 2009.

Developing a calendar for the entire semester is still a challenge for me, but less so now after the experience of a year of teaching.  I realized that preparing a course calendar and curriculum is not just for me, but, more importantly, for my students.  Uncertainty or unclarity in the schedule can lead to frustration and confusion for students, negatively affecting the classroom environment.

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